"Survival" - Original Oil Painting


"Survival" - Original Oil Painting


“Survival” - original oil painting from the 10-piece Human Nature series. Original collection by Adrianne Tamar Arachne.
24”x30” wood panel.

by Adrianne Tamar Arachne

With every passing moment 

That I somehow still make it

I am reminded

Of my tremendous significance 

And insignificance 

At the same time.

Somewhere in between those two,

Is the inferno of my will to live

Stoked into everything it takes 

To keep inhaling and exhaling 

In spite of the imminent end.

The end of my comfort.

The end of lies.

The end of what padded me 

From the fact that I have never 

And will never be

In control. 

My survival salts the flavor 

Of every grasping second 

With my will to make it.

I must make it.

I must.. just… make it. 

How am I still here?

How has it not killed me?

I don’t know, but since I am, I must find a way.

And every fiber
Of every muscle 

In my body 

Ready to spring 

With what it takes 

To find a way.

Survival is exactly here. Now. This.

And it will show me 

Who I am 

When every luxurious dream of more 

Has been stripped away 

To bare life force.

Disrupting death 

While succumbing to it.

Poem and Painting shipped together.

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